How To DeToxify Your Mind, Body,Spirit Connection for Wellness

Our newest issue of "Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond" is all about removing the different toxicities in our lives

During the course of our lives we are exposed to many experiences, relationships, ways of treating our bodies, people etc.  that are quite frankly...toxic.  How do we go about changing our lives for the better and moving towards a toxic free life.  In other words what do we need to do to DETOXIFY??

In the latest issue of "Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond, Different Backgrounds...Same Journey", over 30 experts in the field of health and wellness share wonderful tools and tips to help us  identify and in some cases remove the toxins in our lives.  

There are just some wonderful articles in this latest issue such as:

Detxoing Toxic Thoughts and Beliefs

Relationship Detox - Removing Toxins After A Break-Up

Yummy Detox Recipes

Spring Cleaning for Mid-Life Toxins

...and much more

Check out all of the wonderful articles in this latest issue here "Wellness Woman 40 and Beyond"  


Check out our show - The Wellness Journey-LIVE!
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